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Easiest way to redecorate for the holidays!

Looking for an easy way to change the look of your home in time for the holidays?  When it comes to area rug sizes and shapes, the details & different options can oftentimes be overlooked. There are now many shapes available other than rectangles, but many people do not think of these alternative shapes when shopping for a rug. Here are some things to take into consideration in order to find the area rug shape that will not only best suit your room, but enhance the look of your overall décor.

Coles Fine Flooring | Area Rug Gallery

Rectangular area rug shapes are the most common, and are a traditional, versatile choice. They can work in almost any room, and can help in making a room appear larger.

Square area rugs, like rectangles, are versatile enough to work in most settings. However, they give a more balanced look because of their symmetry, and can make more of a statement.

Round area rugs are a great solution for rooms of an unusual shape. They also work well with round dining tables, as long as the rug is large enough that the chairs can be pushed back without landing off the rug’s edge.

Oval area rugs are the pairing between the organic feel of round rugs and rectangular. They work in the same instances where you would use a rectangular rug, but add more interest, and elongate the space they’re put into.

Hexagon, octagon, and free-form shaped area rugs are not very common, but are very unique and eye-catching. They capture attention and create a dramatic effect in foyers, under dining tables, and on stair landings.

Runners are elongated versions of rectangular area rugs, which are perfect for hallways & stairways. They “lead the way” visually, creating a natural path along a set area, & often making spaces appear longer.

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